Showing posts with label Software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Software. Show all posts

Thursday, August 23, 2012

How to Install Firefox 15 on Ubuntu

Firefox 15 almost release, it still in beta version at the moment, but it will bring new features such as initial native support for PDF files, support for SPDY networking protocol v3, better memory usage for add-ons, and much more.

Canonical will most likely update ubuntu to firefox 15 as soon as Mozilla release at the end of the month, but if you want try it now just install it by following steps.

Mozilla firefox 15 can be installed in ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin), ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot), ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal), ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx).

Add the firefox 15.0 repository
Open the terminal in ubuntu, then type following command

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next

Hit the enter key and type your password when asked then hit enter again.

Install firefox 15.0 on ubuntu
Now paste the following command in the terminal again

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y firefox

Wait the installation process until finish, now firefox 15.0 is now fully installed in yaour ubuntu machine. You'll need to restart firefox for the change to take effect.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Make Ubuntu Look Like Mac

Make Ubuntu look like mac os x in your ubuntu is easy. There are some ways to make ubuntu look like mac such as Macbuntu and Mac4lin.

But here I will show you about my way to make my ubuntu look like mac os x lion and it look great. I take this method from noobslab blog and it works.


All you need only download mac os x lion wallpapers, install cairo dock, and install ubuntu-tweak (to change themes, icons and cursors).

1. Download Mac OS X Lion Wallpaper or you can download your own mac wallpaper by searching in google image.

2. Install Cairo Dock by execute following commands in terminal
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cairo-dock-team/ppa
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install cairo-dock cairo-dock-plug-ins
After you run cairo dock, right click on cairo dock > selsect Launch Cairo-Dock on startup.

3. Install Apple logo in Unity-Launcher (optional) but if you prefer ubuntu logo skip this step.

Execute or copy following commands in terminal
  • wget -O
  • sudo unzip -d /usr/share/unity/5/
Press "A" on keyboard to confirm then press enter.
If you want ubuntu logo back just copy following commands in terminal
  • wget -O
  • sudo unzip -d /usr/share/unity/5/
It will ask to replace file, just type "A" then press enter.

4. Now Install the theme to make ubuntu look like mac os x (icons and theme)

Execute following commands in the terminal
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install mac-os-lion-icons-v2
  • sudo apt-get install mac-os-lion-theme-v2
To install mac cursor, enter following commands
  • wget -O
  • sudo unzip -d /usr/share/icons/
  • sudo rm
  • cd /usr/share/icons/mac-cursors
  • sudo chmod +x
  • ./
Enter following comands to uninstall mac cursor
  • cd /usr/share/icons/mac-cursors
  • ./
5. Install Ubuntu-Tweak to change Theme, Icons, and Cursor
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa 
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak

That's all I do in my ubuntu, look at your own result.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Install Software/application in Ubuntu

Installing software or applications in ubuntu is usual thing to do if we need some additional applications in order to do some specific task.

To do this in ubuntu is quiet easy.

Here are some ways that I usually do when I want to add some applications in my lovely ubuntu machine.

Ubuntu Software Center

This is my favorite way to install aplication in ubuntu, because I think this is the easier way to do and also there are many kind of applications there.

Just go to Application - Ubuntu Software Center then choose an Application from the list or type in the search box to search the Application then click Install then type your password required.

Synaptic Package Manager

When I can't find software I need in Ubuntu Software Center, I use Synaptic Package Manager as second alternate. In here the software list is very complex and has uncommon name so I use Search Box to find the software and do Install.


My third choice to install software is Terminal (console) we can find it under Application - Accessories - Terminal. This is based in text so to do some actions we have to type the command manually.

First when terminal open, just type sudo su
Then we have to type the password
Then I usually type sudo apt-get install firefox (for example if I want to install firefox browser, then you can change the firefox with your favorite application you want to install.

Use .deb file

The other choice usually I download manually the software in .deb extension  from internet then save in my computer and to install it just double click the .deb file.

Tips: Just install software only you need, and remove or uninstall the software that you don't need. Because in my experience too many software can make my ubuntu run little slow but that's no problem if you like some software installed in your ubuntu.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Applications in ubuntu

Ubuntu is a complete Linux operating system. It is easy to use, and come with many of common application that can handle my daily job from office, multimedia, graphic, online activities like browsing, blogging, etc.

There are thousands of free applications we can use in ubuntu, but my suggestion is just use application that we use only, because in my experience too many applications can make my ubuntu run slow. So I just install some that I use only.

These are some application that I install or I use in my ubuntu

OpenOffice - OpenOffice is very familiar with Ms Office, it easy to use & can handle almost my job in office activities, this application is most popular with linux user. To make OpenOffice more comfortable I install Windows fonts so when we open Ms Office word documents the result is good.

Firefox - Firefox is the browser I use often when I do online activities (like browsing, blogging etc.) although I install some browsers like Chrome & Opera. I also add some adds-on to make firefox usable like Youtube Downloader that I use it to download video from Youtube, I also add Google translate add-ons that I use it to translate some difficult word directly to my own language so I don't need to go to Google Translate page.

Pidgin - Pidgin is multi-protocol instant messaging that support many IM account. This is my favorite application that I use for chatting with my friend around the world.

Gimp - The graphic application to manipulate picture or photo like Photoshop. This application is the most complete graphic application I think because we can do many thing with Gimp.

Inkscape -  I also install this application in my Ubuntu I usually use this application to make logo and some jobs base on vector.

GNOME MPlayer - Although there is default movie player in my Ubuntu, I also install GNOME MPlayer because some times I need movie player that more complete like to show subtitle, etc.

That's just some application that I use in my Ubuntu and there are many good and free application just try it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How to Install Smart c700 on Ubuntu ?

In this post I will share with you that want to install smart modem haier c700 on your lovely Ubuntu.
When I do it I use Ubuntu 10.10 and I also success install it on Ubuntu 10.04. Here are what I do :

1. Before we setting our modem haier c700, first we have to download and install Wvdial package :
  • if your PC have connected to internet, to install wvdial just Open your console/terminal Application - Accessories - Terminal, then type sudo apt-get install wvdial
  • if you don't have internet connection yet, you can install wvdial package manually by download the package in here http://www.kambing.ui.ed
Double click in order each package one by one.

2. Next step is plug in your data cable to your PC to detect your modem, open terminal and type

sudo lsusb

3. Then type again

sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
then new window will appear, and make sure the content must be like this

[Dialer smart]
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB1
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Init3 = AT+CRM=1
Stupid Mode = yes
Modem Type = USB Modem
Phone = #777
New PPPD = yes
ISDN = 0
Username = smart
Password = smart
Baud = 9600

then save and exit

4. Then identify your modem to ubuntu just type in terminal

sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x05c6 product=0x9004

5. The last step begin to connect to internet by typing

sudo wvdial smart

Success to connect, then you can try to open your browser and try to browsing.

To Disconnect it, just use Ctrl + C shortcut in your key board.
To connect again next time, you just type

sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x05c6 product=0x9004


sudo wvdial smart

If you find your modem error to connect after disconnect, just restart your modem to off and on again, then try again.

Thats all maybe,